Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Calendar of Upcoming Events

July 13 -               August 24 -          Fidget quilt workshop - Rea Rd South Regional Library, 12 noon - 4pm

August 27 -           August Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm - 8pm - Program: Sarah Goer - Scrappy Slabs

September 24 -     September Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm - 8pm - Program: Cheryl Arkison

September 28 -     Cheryl Arkison Workshop virtual workshop - Abstract Expression

October 6 -            Charles Cameron virtual workshop - Crooked Crosses and Bent Boxes

October 29 -          October Monthly Meeting 6:30 pm - 8pm - Becky Erdman - quilt judging

December -      Holiday Party

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Program: Diane Krebs

The Art of Fidget Quilts

The calming effects of fabric