
Membership Information: 

Our Mission: To provide a community for modern quilters in the area, to further members’ modern quilting skills, and to promote modern and non-traditional quilting.  We are a chapter under the Modern Quilt Guild.    All members have access to their website, which has a wealth of information, webinars, patterns, and more.  

 Our Dues shall be collected annually and become due on January 1st.  Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st with a grace period until March 1st..  The annual dues are $40.  Members who join after June 30th shall pay half the annual rate. CLTMQG is a volunteer run organization, please allow a few days for your membership to be processed.

Currently our meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month via Zoom.  Check out the programs and speakers we will have this year under the Calendar and Events tab!

CLTMQG membership for 2025 is open  Contact us at cltmqg at gmail if you have any questions.


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  2. Hi Jenn, there are plans to meet in person again at some point. Right now regular meetings are on Zoom and some of the stitch-togethers and special events are in person.if there's nothing grabbing you on our current schedule I'd say check back in the fall.
