We had 70 place mats turned in! Our Guild is Rocking it! We are at 393 place mats. Together we can do this.
We had lovely Show and Tell.
Our Block of the Month is coming along. Please remember to bring your block!
Our talented member Ellen Apte gave a fabulous presentation of her work! It was very inspiring. There are great pictures below. And dolls! Ellen makes so cool dolls! Her pictures are below.
Some announcements were made:
Sept 21 is the next Sew In. It will be held at our location at St. Gabriel Catholic Church Ministry Building Room C from 9 am to 2 pm.
Our September 24 meeting will be the Sew In for St. Gabriel. If you have last minute items to finish to turn in, this is the time. We are hoping for lots more items for the Women's Auction.
Hal tersebut akan memberi perspektif lain, yang disebut dengan tujuan atau target. Orang yang memiliki tujuan akan tahu ujungnya sampai kemana. Termasuk mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan setelah menang main (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)