Wednesday, February 21, 2018

January 2018 Meeting Recap

Our charity quilt was sent to Pasadena, CA! Leftover fabric is being saved for placemats. 
Dues are due! $40/person, bring to the next meeting. Make checks out to “CLT MQG”

Upcoming events:
Carolina Lily Quilt Show March 9-10. See and-raffle-info/show-and-raffle-info/ more info.
Pineapple sale (with Alison Glass trunk show) and Faust sales coming up.
This year’s NC Quilt Symposium is being hosted by the Asheville Quilt Guild, see for more info.

Upcoming programs: 
Feb - podcasts 
March - TBD
April - speaker/trunk show Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs ( )

We voted on some ideas for 2018 and had a lot of great volunteers to make things happen! See your emails for more specific details.

What charity will we focus on this year? Placemats for Friendship Trays (for a tutorial see tutorial.html )

If you are interested in the MQG block of the month, we will follow the
national MQG’s block of the month one month late since blocks are posted later in the months. For January’s block instructions (must be logged in to access) see lockup. Bring your work to the next meeting if you choose to join in this activity. 

Can't get enough of the CLT MQG?!
Facebook page: 142528345816277/
Instagram: Follow “cltmqg” or use #cltmqg to tag your photos
New! Facebook Closed Group: (you will have to request to join this group)

Our next meeting will be next Tuesday, Feb 27 from 6-8 pm in room D of St. Gabriel's Catholic Church Ministry Center.