Thursday, June 14, 2012

1 Year Anniversary Party

Our One Year Anniversary Party is next Thursday, June 21!
6:30 June 21 at the home of Bianca Miller.

Come join us for food and fun as we celebrate our first year as a guild.

Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share (along with a serving dish.)

Beverages will be provided.

We'll vote on our new officers:
President: Bianca Miller
Vice President: Elyse Mullis
Treasurer: Joanie Page
Secretary: Kelleigh Bland
Charity Captain: Janet Robnet
Workshop Captain: Courtney Lyons
Swap Captain: Jennifer Mathis
Photographer & Web Admin: Jennifer Adams, Gail Toliver, Karen Earnest, Melissa Devenney

Bring a show and tell too!

$40 Annual Dues will be due in July.

Emails have been sent with the party address. Please email me if you did not receive one.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

1 comment:

  1. Could someone email me the address? I haven't been getting any emails from the guild.
